Posted : 2/3/2010 3:17:52 PM
Update, still doing rotatadog right now. I think it's wearing thin on my BF, he said he might try to re-home Amber with our friend's mom ( who just adores Amber). He feel like Bella can be worked with, but Amber would be safer living in a different home ( yet one where he could still visit with her).
Right now Bella is always in the front yard & amber in the house ( they're not both crated all day).
I'm still not going to use corrections with Bella, if we did try help make Amber good in her eyes with training, if she crossed her threshold, we would simply remove her from the situation. Part of this is almost 'rehabilitating' Bella, I dont think we really ever addressed her fearfulness or unsureness in certain situations.
Looking back there were alot of times that she shouldve been removed from a situation until she could compose her self & relax.
( my friend does this with her dog, she can tell when Osa isn't in the
right state of mind to play with other dogs or meet another dog, so
she'll simply sit with her until she relaxes & isn't anxious, then
she can go meet, and she does alot better than if she was release in
over excited state).
I think also my BF is looking back thinking 'hmm wow I couldve spent more time training her - he kinda just let her be a dog, she learned basic stuff like dont jump on people, wait for your food, sit, lay down etc. but I dont think there was a really good bond there, like you get when you actually *train*, dont get me wrong this dog LOVES us - but you can see that she's just always unsure what she has to do to get more attention.
My BF was never very firm with her - as in rules, not corrections. If I'm around, no dogs on the couch without an invitaion. But I constantly catch him letting Bella & Amber slink their little butts up there & he doesn't *notice*. So they get mixed signals constantly, one time he'll let them up, next time he'll stick to the 'invite only' rule.
I have been contacting trainers, but there are not many in this area, and the ones I contact either do not respond or have moved from the area.
I know that we can't 'train' this out of her, but it least it gives my BF an opportunity to decide if he wants to better his relationship with his dog(s).