Posted : 11/14/2009 4:46:11 AM
I'm not trying to be a jerk here. I was a member of a Schutzund Club way back, and I appreciate the work, but I am also keenly aware that if human talent/relationship isn't there, then an e-collar is a bad substitute for the natural "relationship" between dog and human and that includes distance.
I have some definite reservations about using e collars , some that have not been mentioned here.
The first aspect is the huge variabiltiy of percieved shock on one setting .it is hugely dependent on the dogs instanteaneous activity level, the temperature , the drive state just to name a few. Just because it has a dial on doesn't make it calibrated or scientific
The terminals are really really bad! Without shock, try wearing them around your neck at the precscribed tension. If that isn't adversive that i don't know what is!
I think that avoidance behaviours can be difficut for some dogs to establish even when well trained. I am astonished to see how long recalls with e collars can take.
Having said that, i am sure that the sound reduction from overbearing owners, and the usual barrage of non contigent punishment may allow some more senstive dogs some space to learn.
Many of the brain's functions rely on electrical current. I think that most e collar stims would cause partial brain shut down for a brief period of time,and this is i beilve a significant part of the deal. Often in demos we put the e collar around an arm. Well to make it fair put it around your neck. Have a user that can't communicate with you set the working levels. Make sure that his /her vision is obscured becuase from what i have seen most people have an obscured vision towards their dogs as they have no idea what are symptons of discomfort for a dog.
Would i use one ? Well i sure would if it could fix something that i had no other chance of fixing, or i really needed to stop a dog in it's tracks for some reason. I just haven't had to do that too many times.
Here is some tech facts
It ain't the volts that hurt it is the current that flows and where it flows and for how long
The radio frequency control channel's frequency is in Megahertz. it is irrelevant to the strength of the stim.
The current doesn't just merely pass form one terminal to the next. It goes everywhere! Say the path distance from the terminals is 1 inch. Then any path that you can draw between the terminals that is 2 inches will have 1/2 the current and so on and so forth.
I am dissapointed at how little peer reviewed literature there is about e collars. If it was a drug, i have a suspicion that the trials required for approval would exceed all of the trails pro and con for e collars. I am always saddened when we use a tool ahead of sound science. It isn't the mark of a great caring civilisation to do so. If they are so good, and have so few side effects, then lets see the results . I am realy very unimpressed by some of the white papers out there. Many are quite mishcevious.