Posted : 3/31/2009 10:04:14 PM
I saw you at the Petexpo last weekend.
Hopefully not the godawful parts...Justin was better.
IME this also usually stems from the dog not having a solid foundation and not being trained like they will be trialed.
I have honestly never understood this....how can you train like you trial? They aren't the same. You don't have $26-30 on the line when you train, nor does it matter if you blow one exercise. So honestly, how DO you train like you trial?
If I trained like I was supposed to trial my dog would never be given a correction ever, nor would he ever be rewarded (I'm not trying to be smart....I truly don't understand).
This is like when people tell me "Practice piano like you perform." Well...I can't. I don't do them the same way :-/ And if I don't train, how do I solve the issue? It's still there when I come back later because nothing has been done about it.
Strauss had over a year of "doing nothing" before he started doing this because I thought he was burned out, and I'm still having issues.
I just don't understand why his CD was bang bang bang and now he'll train without issue (well, not even that now >.<;) but won't show.