Posted : 12/17/2008 10:56:39 AM
Thunder is a "hard keeper" in the winter. Even now with no yard to play in half the day as he normally does, he's hard to keep weight on. What is working for him is the high protein, low carb, almost grain free food I picked for him. What has NOT helped in the past is increasing his grains.
Yes, corn contains some protein. No, it is not a highly digestable source of protein like meat. Corn is a cheap protein source. So why are the prices on some of these corn ladden foods so danged high? The carb content, which the body turns to SUGARS is too high to be healthy for any critter long term. Overload any creature with sugar for long periods of time, and sooner or later the pancrease is going to go a bit wonky. And, even if it doesn't, MY body sure doesn't functon at prime efficiency on sugars. Why would I expect theirs to? Dogs need FATS for energy, unlike us humans who do use carbs for energy. But, too many carbs are going to bog down the system and mess things up.
I don't have specific nutrition training, human or canine, but common sense goes one heck of a long way.