Posted : 11/18/2010 3:25:12 PM
I own a Norwegian Elkhound. Elkhounds are specifially for hunting moose. In the USA it is illegal to hunt moose with a dog and here in Alaska you wouldn't want to do that, as we have a fairly healthy wolf population. When an Alaskan moose sees a dog, his brain says "WOLF!" and he will chase and kill it.
However in Norway they haven't had wolves for several hundred years. They also have very different hunting rules: you are allowed to take calves and cows. I am assuming that this is because they stupidly killed all the wolves and now they have to keep the population down.
Norwegian Elkhounds in Norway (and I think in Scandinavia in general) must have passed a live hunting trial before they can get their championship. Elkhounds are little 50 lb. dogs with huge hearts, piercing barks and little fear. And they are very, very smart. Some dogs do get injured or killed by moose, but this breed has to be smart to herd a moose through the woods to the hunter. They also track.
I can't hunt my elkhound Ole here, it's illegal. But I would not say that taking him tracking was "fake" as we are just as likely to find a moose if we aren't careful. Since I can't shoot the moose, I may end up being chased by the moose (that's already happened to me twice, but not while tracking, while just walking the dog!) which is scary as all get out!
So under the circumstances, give me a "fake" tracking situation ANY day.
Here's a quick idea of what elkhounds do (nothing is killed in this, don't worry!)