Posted : 1/3/2011 8:26:19 PM
I know it's not an allergy, or else my Schroeder would have flared up like there's no tomorrow. We had an allergy test done on him and he's allergic to everything under the sun, including human dander.
I'm not convinced that it isn't the food. My girls have never had anal gland issues until a few days ago. Schroeder's glands have been so bad that when they are expressed, the vet uses phrases like: "it was like a fire hydrant" and "it actually hit the wall." It's really disgusting. He already gets a teaspoon of pumpkin in his food daily. I'll try the oatmeal, but I don't think it will work. I actually have a very picky eater. He'll probably turn his nose up at it.
Perhaps there's another change that Nutro didn't disclose? I emailed them over the weekend, but I haven't heard back.
Anyway, I'm on the hunt for a new food. We have our weekly vet apt. this Wed, so I'll see what the doctor says. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.