Chronic Diarrhea Vet says allergies and prescribes Hill's Ultra ZD

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hi: Sorry about your doggie.  We've had Dusty for 8 years now and I swear I'm still battling the food issue. Every time I think I've found a food he does well on, he then has an issue.  I too have tried the z/d but he had loose stools and I worry about all the consumer complaints against them.  I've tried the nutritionists without success and also tried just about every "top of the line" foods without success as well.  He's now developing hot spots.  I think it's an allergy to chicken.  The vet suggested the Veterinary Royal Canine HP food, but they had recalls too.... ughhhhh.

     I saw someone buying the Nutro venison and rice, I thought about it, but what's going on with their recalls? Have they changed at all? 

    It's a wonder what companies we can trust.

    I may have to try the Vet Royal Canine... 

    The ideas about worming are correct, just keep an eye on him.  Many of Dusty's stools came back negative, but the vet told me that parasites don't show up in every stool.






    • Gold Top Dog

    I too have tried the z/d but he had loose stools and I worry about all the consumer complaints against them. 


       I used the z/d for an elimination diet for Jessie ( tried introducing different proteins, one at a time, after she had been on the z/d about 12 weeks). Jessie had loose stools while on the z/d, so I added about a tablespoon of pumpkin a day to her food, and it helped. I think the loose stools are caused by the type of fiber used in the z/d. They use cellulose, probably because a dog is less likely to be allergic to it, but Jessie needs a fermentable fiber in her diet (most dry dog foods use beet pulp).


     I saw someone buying the Nutro venison and rice, I thought about it, but what's going on with their recalls? Have they changed at all? 

       Jessie has been on the Nutro Venison and Rice since July of 2010 and has been doing great. Besides food allergies, she also has chronic pancreatitis, so she can't have foods that are more than 10% fat. I tried some holistic brands such as California Natural first, but she did terrible, having frequent gas and loose stool. She also gets some home cooked food daily and I will soon be changing her to all home cooked ( I prefer giving her as much fresh food as possible).

       Are Dusty's symptoms related to her gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting), or does she primarily have allergy symptoms such as ear infections and itching? Environmental allergies are more common than food allergies and if she does a lot of scratching and chewing, you may want to have her tested for environmental allergies.

    • Gold Top Dog


     His symptoms are due to the gastrointestinal tract.  He's always had diarrhea or mucus covered stools.  He was puppy mill.  infested with parasites as a pup and took 2 years to fully rid him of them.  Vet says the nasty buggers ate up his intestinal tract so he probably will always have stools like this.  Amazing, he gains weight though.  not sure about the hot spot and ear issues.  I think its due to chicken and fish.  but this time he's really gnawing at it.  Medicine vet gave me is helping just a bit. 

    I ordered Flint River Ranch, Lamb and Millet.  I read it's supposed to be helpful, if this doesn't work I may try the Venison by Nutro.  I'm worried about their foods since the recalls though.  My sister has always fed it to her dog without any problems and I see so many people buying it.  I really love Dr. Harvey's but Gabby and Dusty don't digest the veggies at all, even if I puree before  I add the water.  That's my all time favorite food.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Vet says the nasty buggers ate up his intestinal tract so he probably will always have stools like this. 


     Poor Dusty; have you asked your vet about trying probiotics or digestive enzymes? You could try a good quality probiotic first, and if that doesn't help, then try the enzymes. Jessie is very sensitive about veggies too; that's common for dogs with gastrointestinal problems. Gabby and Dusty are very lucky that you rescued them. I was also concerned about feeding Nutro but Jessie is allergic to many proteins, potatoes, barley, and yeast, so our choices are very limited. She has done great on the Nutro and her blood work has been very good, especially for a 13 year old dog. Good luck with the Flint River Ranch; I hope it works for Dusty.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Hmmm... in reading this, several things come to mind.

    First, a good holistic vet may help (in addition to your regular vet), unless it is very scarred up, the digestive tract does heal. I too would have gone with a high quality food like the one you mentioned first and I'd be adding things that would be calming & helpful to the digestive tract like Slippery Elm & probiotics/digestive enzymes.  What parasites did he have? All of them (hooks/whips?) Personally I'd be feeding food grade diatomaceous earth upon clearance by a holistic vet as well. I've found it to solidify stools, help digestion and control residual parasites. I get it here: (no I am not associated with them in anyway, but we buy a TON from them). It's amazing he gains weight with such an upset digestive tract system, which leads me to guess there's hope for healing in there :)