Well not the incision, really...that's looking great, apparently this was there before the section. I never thought to "spread" her udders and look between. But she has some surface sloughing of the skin there, owing to a lot of moisture being trapped in her "cleavage", bucketbathing would be a likely source!
I noticed the odor today, called the vet and we're getting the antibio's I was supposed to pick up that day but forgot...so that'll help. I am to rinse her down to stimulate the skin regenerating and remove bacteria then swab with Betadine and make SURE she is kept dry between there at all times.
Her temp is good, no fever so hoping that stays the same and we don't have to remove the whelps. That'd suck...
Good thoughts that this will pass with proper management and antibioticss...it's definitely a surface thing right now...hope it stays that way. Anything anyone can recommend to speed healing that won't affect the whelps would be welcome too!