Posted : 5/5/2008 9:53:14 AM
In an effort to return to the original question......
I'm not sure that we do JUDGE people who ask the questions, but we do try to make sure that they are very well informed and that they know darned good and well that this is not something to enter into lightly.
Yes, a lot of folks luck out with their accidental litters and there are no problems. We don't hear so much about the still born pups, the pups that fight to live for a few days and then give up the fight, the pups who have serious genetic problems, those who struggle with life on a daily basis for the rest of their lives. Bottom line is, that even the most carefully planned litters can have problems.
I want folks to KNOW what they are getting into. I want them to completely understand that this little endeavor might not end so happily. I want to convey the heartbreak of holding a perfectly formed, full term, stillborn pup in their hands, of trying desparately to breath life into that tiny body and failing. I want them to understand how it feels to get up every two hours around the clock to feed a newborn only to have it die three or four days into life.
I want people to totally know that bitches can and DO die in whelp, that sometimes each and every pup will die because one is too large, gets stuck in the birth canal and no one can be born. I want them to know that a retained placenta can slowly poision the momma, causing her to pass tainted milk to her pups and killing them all.
Letting nature takes its course? Nature is pretty darned cruel. Nature doesn't shed a tear about death. PEOPLE do.
I think, MA, that the form of the question has a lot to do with the sort of responses one might expect. Had you started a thread and said that you are considering breeding three or four years down the road and wanted to know what you need to do prepare yourself, educate yourself, know that your dog really should be bred, then you would find the answers to be far different than someone who asks what many of us consider to be dumb questions, really basic stuff that a person should know before they allow that first tie.
Would you still get many of the same answers? Yep. But the tone would be softer.
I'll reserve my comments on the advisability of breeding your pup to a DA male, because that wasn't the question you asked.
Additionally, breeding tends to be a hot topic for many of us because we DO work in shelters, in rescue, we foster, we rehab and try to find homes for the results of irresponsible breeding.
I hope that answers your original question. And I'll do my best to honestly, and dispassionately answer any others you might have. Of course, it will be my opinion, based on my experience and background.
As to my comment that the thread has gone off topic and is ugly......well, that's my opinion also.