Posted : 12/30/2011 8:45:57 AM
Thank you for responding...
Paper vs. paint on the walls? - both in both
finished basement vs. soil? - both finished (carpet, wall paper, etc.)
Is there something he rubs against? Sometimes dogs will scratch against a fence or corner of a wall -- and the contact can actually be the very thing they are scratching ON. Maybe inside, maybe outside. - I will ask
Is it the side he prefers to lie on or the other side? - I will ask
What does the skin itself look like? Is it broken? scaley? pustules or papules (one has pus, the other is just a 'bump' that doesn't erupt) - I looked myself and couldn't see anything or any signs of imflamation.
Different stuff to clean with? - nope same stuff
What *stops* the itch? i.e., is it better after a bath? has she tried easy things like a final rinse in tea tree and water? - he itches ALL THE TIME. So far they haven't found anything that stops it.
Is it worse in the morning or at night? Does he wake up to scratch (or scratches in his sleep?)?? How often does he scratch? - they work during the day, but I know he wakes up in the middle of the night to scratch
Jen - a neurologist is their next step but I will definitely pass it along. Based on what I have seen yes, it is right near his neck since most vet's initial reactions are that its a contact allergy with his collar. He is a purebred, but to be honest I don't know where they got him. I am assuming it is a reputable breeder, but you never know. I will definitely tell her about the article you posted - it sounds like it!