Posted : 3/16/2011 9:56:51 PM
Crazy night here. Heidi has a major collision, and then Bruder decides his ears are going to start bothering him. Shaking and pawing. So, he's got his ears cleanedout with some medicine and she is all torn up. And, they lay in the middle of the floor and start cleaning each other.
Thats not going to work for bedtime. I haven't kenneled them in ages, but tonight they go to bed separated. They knew it too. I started cleaning out their kennel water bowls then got some fresh water. They saw me; and both go into their individual "houses" and lay down...while I get them fixed up. Sweet hooligans. BudMan gets the run of the place like a free man.
I cleaned up her face again and put some neosporin on the wounds...and tuck them all in. Tucka tucka tucka...night night night.
I think I'll go to bed myself...