Billy's Newest Adventure - obstruction (*sigh* Callie)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Billy's Newest Adventure - obstruction (*sigh* Callie)

    Mr. Perfect my behind!!  I can't even imagine WHEN he got what he got cos he's been feeling DANGED good.  We've got two "issues" going on but we'll talk obstruction first.

    As some of you know from the mindless chat thread -- Billy's off on a new "adventure" -- he's obstructed!!  I'm going to 'tag' this because it will be helpful for someone later on dealing with an obstruction.

    Obstruction is often asked about on here -- and even *I* didn't see this coming.  I was busy -- laundry, making dogfood, etc.  I *thot* he slept most of the day Sunday.  Fed them dinner about 7 -- kinda overdid it because I cooked and they always enjoy that first night so much.  That was about 6:30 (cos Davey and I went to the movies)

    About 1:00 I was giving him his last stuff (more on that at the end of this), and he really wasn't wanting to get 'up' on the futon so I could reach him -- but the husband and the pug were in the way so no surprise.  He got down, went into the kitchen for a minute or two ... and then came back out and vomited right in front of me.

    Wow -- it was patently **weird** vomit.  -- this was almost 7 hour post supper -- I home cook, so food digests *faster* and generally 7 hours later it's "over" as far as the stomach is concerned.  But wow -- he ralphed this big "ball" of almost smooth fine-textured stuff -- almost "fluffy" with foamy mucus on the outside of it.  No specific food discernable (as in no "pieces" or bits of ground beef, nor tomato, or greens which might stay intact b/c of cellulose nature.)

    David raced to the kitchen to get paper towel and hollered "there's MORE here -- two even larger piles!!"

    WHOA __ TOOOOO WEIRD.  Why -- 7 hours later is there THIS MUCH in his stomach??? Weird.

    Tues a.m. I'm off to the vet.  Because it wasn't regurgitation - it was vomit.  (no choice).  There was too much of it, and the consistency was weird.  (if a dog vomits undigested food hours after eating that can be a sign of renal failure -- this was "digested" in that it wasn't its original form but I was scared nonetheless.)

    His regular vet wasn't there -- but this other vet is *very* good -- she listened, asked questions -- his neck palpated really SORE -- and yea, it's possible that could make him feel so "off" he'd puke - but .... it just didn't feel right.  Too much -- too weird a consistency

    Now I gotta catch you up on the other.  I just haven't had time to say much -- but last Tuesday, Billy's homotoxicology vet, Dr. Joe Demers, discovered a tiny wee wine-red bump.  Totally in the skin but this weird red color -- about 1/8" in diameter -- very tiny but ...

    Dr. Demers said right away "Ok -- I do NOT like this ... this looks too much like a melanoma.(cancer -- very very lethal -- remove one and you can rapidly get 4 more and deadly).   He made me a topical (DMSO & bloodroot - an herb often used in treating tumors).  So I've put that on twice a day -- DMSO is nasty - it's a steroid that zooms thru tissue -- if you get it on *your* skin you will 'taste' it in 10 minutes or so.  But superb for making something "penetrate" fast.  He also gave me a liquid (dropper) of maitake mushroom (a polysaccharide). 

    ut it has not grown - in a week it hasn't grown.  but still there -- hard and dark red.

    So I kept wondering aloud if the DMSO could be making him sick to his stomach.  AND he threw up about 5 inutes after getting the DMSO on his skin.

    She thot not (this was Dr. Jackson looking at him -- PIrate's vet normally but she was at the location *I* go to not near Smyrna).  Nothing was resonating "true" yet. 

    Dr. J had taken blood and finally she said "want mne to do an x-ray??" I said YES (ooh Callie, tell her what you REALLY think!).  Off they go and 10 minutes later in she comes and before she even puts it against the light she holds it up and *I* can see a round object just slightly bigger than a quarter.2d shot shows it about that thickness.

    WEIRD (my word for today)

    She double checked with a 2d x-ray cassette to make sure it wasn't something bad with the quipment

    Nope -- we've got an obstruction.  That's why the food couldn't get out of the stomach -- and that's also why it took on the texture it did -- because it had rolled around in his gut bue nothing could get out.

    He's scheduled for 8:30 a.m. tomorrow surgery.

    They are also going to remove the "spot" -- but rather than just burning it off, the holistic vet wants it cut out but then to set aside a tiny piece of the tumor for Dr. Demers to manufacture a nosode with.  The rest we're getting a path report on.

    a homeopathic nosode is very simliar to a vaccine except it's delivered differently to the body (so it shouldn't cause him to relapse into IMHA -- big concern)  -- it's pretty cutting edge stuff.

    Tonight they wanted me to thin down baby food til it was "water" -- he drank a TON of it and has had no ill effects so it's not a 100% blockage. 

    Billy, so help me if you have eaten a quarter -- NO MORE LUNCH MONEY FOR YOU!!


    • Gold Top Dog
    Yikes! Good luck Billy - and don't eat anything else!!!!
    • Puppy

     oh no oh no!! Callie, that's so stressful, but you are such a vigilant mama and your beasts are so lucky to have you! You must be at least halfway towards a DVM with everything you've absorbed from Billy's shenanigans. Also, that nosode stuff is SO INTERESTING-- I love reading about your vets, they sound spectacular. Sending you both good thoughts and good luck vibes, from me and Jasper : )

    • Gold Top Dog

    I read that all the way to the end holding my breath!!  I am shocked Billy would do something like this.  He and Willow are always the "mature" ones!  Good luck tomorrow!  What in the world could he have eaten??  A plastic milk carton top? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh my Billy!!  Are you trying to give your momma and pappa a heartattack?  You gotta eat only stuff that's good for you!

    Are you thinking it's a quarter?  I suppose a quarter is better than an older penny right!!  :)  Think it might be something like a top off something? 

    Either way...sending tonnes and tonnes and tonnes of good vibes for the surgery tomorrow....and lots of healing vibes to follow!

    In regards to the suspected melanoma....MAJOR VIBES that it comes back as something different.  Cancer sucks BIG TIME!!!  I was just reading about the cancer vaccines the other day and the discussions surrounding how new they are.  They briefly talked about nosodes but I wasn't entirely sure what they were talking about.  (yeah...most scientific discussions do that to me!  :)

    Billy and your mom will be in my thoughts and prayers till I hear some news!!



    What in the world could he have eaten??  A plastic milk carton top?

    We're thinking alike!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    We're sending good thoughts for an easy surgery & uneventful recovery.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What in the world could he have eaten??  A plastic milk carton top? 

    His liver enzymes are whacked all the heck out -- my biggest concern is that whatever it is, it's likely metal that is reacting with his system.  David and I are betting it's a quarter.


    • Gold Top Dog

     ((((Callie)))) ((((Billy)))) get well vibes!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Billy, you listen very good, get that dang thing out of your insides and quit scaring everyone......

    Callie, will be thinking of you and the boy, hugs and get through it all safely wishes coming your way.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Good vibes going out to Billy and Callie this morning.


    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thinking abotu Billy this morning. Update us when you can. Hoping it all goes smoothly poor bugger.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Billy, we hope you feel better real soon. No eating quarters! Callie, sending lots of positive vibes for you and for a smooth surgery and quick recovery. This is just so scary! Hugs to all!

    • Gold Top Dog

    It WAS a quarter.

    Looked beat up by stomach acid, etc. 

    I'd bet the scenario went like this --  DAvid keeps tons of change in his pockets, and when he lies down on the futon it tends to come spilling out of his pockets leaving a trail behind him.  But he also carries Tums loose in his pocket (Wintergreen - and Billy LOVES them but I'm going to say EWWWW now).
    I'd bet Billy found a quarter that had a Tums mooshed into it from the pocket -- Billy was prolly licking at it and THE PUG came up behind him -- and rather than relinquish it or hassle he ate it!!
    It would make perfect sense as to why he would "eat" money -- if it smelled like a Tums and had ANY Tums material on it -- he would have guarded it like a prize and he would have eaten it to have kept it from Tink.
    The little red thing -- when Dr. Bailey sliced it open to put part of it into the grain alcohol for Dr. Demers there was a lot of blood in it.  The *good* part is that might mean it was a hemangioma which would be better than melanoma.  Altho he also says sometimes melanomas in that place aren't malignant.
    Surgery done -- he was waking up.  He's going to be on an IV drip with antibiotics all day.  He CAN go home tonight.
    Sometimes a "cheap lunch" is NOT a cheap lunch ... trust me on that one.  *rolling eyes*  sheeeeeeeeeeshh
    • Gold Top Dog

    Glad to hear that he made it through the surgery ok.


    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Billy please dont eat your lunch money anymore, ok!  I just saw this so I was so worried had to rush to the update!  Good vibes for recovery Billy!  It was really very heroic of you to save the pug by "taking one for the team"  lets dont do it again, it scares your Mommy way to much.  Callie, we will pray and anxiously await the results of the little red thing.