Posted : 11/26/2007 12:19:14 PM
A lot of people make the mistake that was talked about with the cat chasing or getting on the couch or stopping to sniff on walks--the trainer inadvertently creates a behavior chain by first allowing the unwanted behavior to begin and then rewarding after it has already begun. The dog starts to think that chasing the cat or getting on the couch or stopping to sniff is part of the whole shebang
I agree with your whole post but I think this part gets to the point and reminds me of my own foible. I had accidently trained Shadow to bark at the door. A few times a neighbor came over or a leaves rustled on the porch, Shadow would bark. I would command sit and then give a treat for the good behavior. After a bit, Shadow would find any reason to bark at the door because he had chained perceive noise, go to door, bark, sit, get treat. You get what you reinforce. So, then I started ignoring it. What if I bark now? No treat? How about 2 barks? No treat? After a few days, that behavior chain extinguished, as it was getting him absolutely nothing, not even a look.
Halloween night, the one night when there is an endless stream of momentary visitors. Shadow barks. I say down, stay. I come back in and he's still in a down, no barking, reward. After a few times, no bark but still alert, down, stay, come back in, heavy rewards. And when the visitations were over for the evening, he was not waiting at the door for more noises.
But my best options will be +R and -P. I won't punish him for being alert. That's what dogs do. But I can guide the behavior. Theoretically, there may be some time in the future where a punishment, especially environmental might stop a behavior, providing a few key factors are in place. But, as in anything, that would be an individual case by case issue. I think it was said best that the dog defines what is a punishment. If the action, either human or environmental, did not stop the behavior after one or two instances, then it was not a punishment. Just as, if the behavior is not increased after one or two rewards, then the reward was not a reinforcer.
And again, in my case, I understand better now why some punishments didn't work on Shadow, including the scruff and pin. They weren't punishments to him. They were play, a reinforcer.