Gizmo's Breed Test Results!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gizmo's Breed Test Results!

    Hello all, just stopping in to share Gizmo's DNA breed test result!

    The clinic I work for just got in some DNA blood test to try out from Wisdom Panel one co-worker of mine sent her dog's blood out and it cam back with some kinda funny results so I decided to put Gizmo's blood the test to see what she comes out as.

     Well...*drum roll* the results are in and according the Wisdom Panel she is....

    ...According to the results she has "distance traces" of Chow Chow, Irish Wolfhound, Irish Setter and Staffordshire bull terrier.

    So there is it, my 45 pound herding dog has no herding breeds that the test could indicated and has 2 breeds in here that are very rare to the area she came from.  I'll take it for what it is and maybe believe the chow chow and I'll accept the staffy but never had I expected to even see any trace amounts of the Wolfhound!


    So....Whatca think of my gremlin? 


    • Gold Top Dog

    LMBO....OH Xebby that is the BEST one yet! Well someone's big black mixed breed came back MALTESE..that's the only one better. Those tests are hilaaaaarious!

    ((hug)) to the Chow/Wolfhound mix....haha!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow.  That's very interesting.  Welcome back, BTW.  I've been toying with the idea of getting that DNA test for Max, just out of curiosity. I never would have guessed that combination for Giz in a million years.


    • Gold Top Dog guys aren't actually considering the test to be accurate are you? *skeerd*.

    • Gold Top Dog

    See the results for yourself:Big Smile


    • Gold Top Dog


    Well...*drum roll* the results are in and according the Wisdom Panel she is....

    ...According to the results she has "distance traces" of Chow Chow, Irish Wolfhound, Irish Setter and Staffordshire bull terrier.

    LOL! That's hilarious... Oh geez I wonder what they'd say Cherokee was... Now I'm curious! Big Smile

    This is the one that's like $200 or so, isn't it? A little pricy for a good laugh..but maybe someday! Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's funny on the one hand But then I think about the talk of using these tests to basically determine breed and thus which dogs BSL will affect and it's kinda scary. Tongue Tied

    • Gold Top Dog

    The clinic I work at charges around $170 for the test but since I work there... It was a good laugh.

    Makes me think that maybe Gizzy is a breed that they could not test for.  They only have around 150 breeds in their data base so it could be possible she's really just that rare.  I don't think I would do the test with another dog until a few kinks are worked out and it's 100% accurate.  From what I gathered it's only 80% accurate. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I saw they don't have Canaan Dogs? She could be one of those?


    • Gold Top Dog


    I saw they don't have Canaan Dogs? She could be one of those?




    • Gold Top Dog

    OOH they're a herding breed Xebby...can I have $170 too? LMBO

    • Gold Top Dog

    Xebby -- does that mean all those Irish wolves are safe??  Or just hungry? 

    too funny -- But heck -- it sounds impressive!!! "My irish wolfhound mix"

    • Gold Top Dog
    lol Irish Wolf Hound. Oh Now I wanna go out and get that test done for Charlie!
    • Gold Top Dog

    I almost curious to what the other breed test out there will say she is?  I'm almost, but not really, willing to try a different test and compare results.   The vet I work for jokingly suggest sending in Gizmo's blood under a different dog's name and see if I get the same results.

     What I would so love to know even more then her breed is who the evil person was that just so carelessly abandoned her in front of my neighbors doorstep 3 years ago when she was 6 weeks old.  First I'd like to thank them for giving me such a wonderful friend then break their legs and make them pay back all I had to pay in vet bill for repairing Gizmo's birth defects that were cause by poor breeding.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Wonder what they'd say if they saw a pic.  Huh?