Gizmo's Breed Test Results!

    • Gold Top Dog



    Wonder what they'd say if they saw a pic.  Huh?



    Good question, only thing they go by is the blood.  On the website you can look at other dogs who have done the test.  I haven't posted Giz's pic there yet.  It's a contest so I'm still trying to decide which pic would be goo to enter.


    • Gold Top Dog

    They were  talking about one on the news a few days ago that costs about $65 and according to UCD vet hospital, it's fairly accurate.  In a few months they'll have a lot more breeds they can test for so I was thinking of maybe getting one around the end of the year or early next year.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Humm...which test it the $65 test?  I know there is an at home swab test that sounds kinda interesting. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Humm...which test it the $65 test?  I know there is an at home swab test that sounds kinda interesting. 

    I don't know.  Max goes in for his yearly physical and to renew his heartworm meds in October so I think I'll just ask his vet what she knows about it.  Nearly all the vets in town came from the UCD vet med school, so they're usually pretty up on what's going on there.


    • Gold Top Dog

    this one:

    cheek swab, cheap, they ask for a picture. No idea how accurate it may be, but sounds like a fine price for a bit of entertainment.

    • Gold Top Dog

    cheek swab, cheap, they ask for a picture


    Hmm wonder why they need a pic? LOL....makes guessing easier I suppose LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    That is too funny, I wonder what would happen if you sent it in again, under an assumed name?   Would he be something different????? Huh?

    I thought when I first heard about these tests that it might be beneficial someday for treating certain health problems......... guess that is still waaaaaayyyyyy in the future. Confused

    Gizmo is beautiful no matter what he really is.  By the way, what did he say when you told him what he really was?Surprise

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gizmo is beautiful no matter what he really is.


    Well Gizmo is a girl No DNA test required on that one...teehee!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Vent time, watch out.

    I think these things are a waste of money.  The ones I've seen are ridiculous.  Bunch of money-hungry scientists with absolutely no clue about history. 

    Every dog that is clearly a Border Collie mix comes back some kind of sighthound mix, usually something odd like Saluki or Deerhound.  Well, duh, it's documented that sighthounds were mixed in to Border Collies as late as the late sixties.  But not with Wolfhounds, which are a newly developed breed themselves - clearly something is skewing the results when it's a very new breed with lots of crossing, like the Border Collie (or Wolfhound).

    Ditto with many hunting breeds.  Here in the states, it's still very common to mix bully breeds with herding dogs to create "catch dogs" - and then again with hounds to create all round herding/hunting/baying dogs.  I suspect Gizmo's immediate ancestry is a result of one of those lines.

    About 25% of the smallish random bred dogs around here are hunting feist crosses, which aren't even a real breed - it's a type of dog.  

    Irish Wolfhound pfft 

    • Gold Top Dog

    OOPS! My bad, I have had nothing but boy dogs in forever so they are all he's to me!   Sorry Gizmo! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh for goodness' sake, those things are goofy.  I've never heard what I consider to be an accurate guess yet!  I'll keep my money and buy stuff for my pups, like tripe and things to destroy!  Wink

    FWIW, Gizmo looks like alot of smooth coated BCs I've seen posted by their owners.

    BTW, send me $250, a pic and a stool sample and I'll determine how likely your dog is to poop again and if it will come when called.  It's a valuable service, pup owners in Europe are paying top dollar, but for y'all, a discount.  Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

    By the way, here's another interesting tidbit about breed genetics.  A friend of mine is involved with a canine genetics study.  In part of it, they are analyzing DNA and studying population substructures.  Preliminary analyses are indicating that show Border Collies are as genetically distinct from working BCs, as those working bred dogs are from other breeds.

    They are not yet sure whether the split is caused by geographic isolation (most show dogs are from imported lines), or whether the split was caused by long selection for different functions.  Analyzing data from Australian working dogs will give them that answer.

    However, this puts an interesting monkey wrench into the validity of those genetic tests for mixed breeds.  What population sample did they use to find distinctives for the Border Collie breed?   If Gizmo is a McCallum Border Collie (and she could be from her personality and looks), that's yet another monkey wrench - McCallums are a working line imported directly from Australia and bred almost completely within their own gene pool.  In other words, owners of McCallum dogs tend not to outcross and so these dogs are themselves isolated genetically.

    How many other breeds could we find that have distinct substructures under their breed umbrella?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Alright, here it goes...I posted her pic on their website an here's the linky thing

    Wisdom Panel MX certifiedGizmo

    Hi, I'm Gizmo and I'm part Chow Chow,  Irish Setter,  Irish Wolfhound, and  Staffordshire Bull Terrier



    Edit to say opps... guess it doesn't work in the forums so heres a better link 

    • Gold Top Dog

    My aunt did one of these tests..not sure if it was blood or swab (though I'd tend to guess swab - much cheaper..), but it came back that her obviously IMO mostly boxer was pug and samoyed. Now the pug did make me stop and go "hmm.." (but only for a sec..Jack is 50 pounds) because I know occasionally pug mixes come out looking like boxers, but samoyed? Really?

    (Only pictures I have of him are from when he was like 8 months old..and his ears were in a weird phase. They look basically like pit bull ears now.)

    • Gold Top Dog

    i looked through the website, and i was shocked to see how many dogs were supposedly mixed with clumber spaniels. I thought they were extremely rare...