I don't know if this can be made into a poll, or how to do it or who to contact. But anyway. I thought it would be a good idea to get a show of hands: Who WANTS a block function?
I thought of putting it in How Are We Doing, but lets face it, hardly anyone goes there and this place gets loads more traffic. I also toyed with the idea of putting it in the Behaviour section, because if anywhere gets rough, it's there, and that could be where it's most needed! I think poll results there could be dramatically different. But it's not a Dog Behaviour question, so I supposed that would be a poor choice over all.
I think we have a kind of block function, you can currently block someone on your list of friends. I'm not sure how that works - so I have to be "friends" with someone I don't like before I can block them? Admitting to being confused, or perhaps just slightly stupid...
So come on, speak up, what do you think? Do you want a block function?
Yes - I think we really do need one, I would get very good use out of it and I think the board is lacking without it.
No - I wouldn't use it.
Meh. I suppose I might use it if I had one but I don't really care.
My answer: Yes I bally well do!