Posted : 9/1/2009 5:01:48 PM
A clicker should only cost about $2 at Petco. http://www.petco.com/product/9698/PETCO-Dog-Training-Clicker.aspx?CoreCat=OnSiteSearch
As a matter of fact, last I saw, Petco had a kit on their training kiosk in the stores that includes a clicker and training instruction flip cards from Karen Pryor all for about $12. Anyway, there's plenty of free advice on clicker training and if you seriously cannot afford the $2 clicker at Petco, you can get by with the lid from a baby food jar - only about an 80cent investment. The dogs will love the baby food (all meat) on their food, too. I'm sure clicker trainers will advice other options - just using the word YES as a marker, or some other noise or word, can be just as effective.
It's not about the tool, it's about the methods and your committment to training that dog. Good luck, and check out the Training section for further advice.