Officer in Chandler, AZ is facing a "misdemeanor" and was released on bail after leaving his dog in his car to run errands, take a nap, and go to dinner with his wife for approx. 11 hours per MSNBC reaching temp over 106 degrees. The Belgian Mal. died. Officer Lovejoy was released with little comment due to his Sheriff "really railing me". I feel, personally, since the police get called out to save dogs from cars and technically the dog was "property" of the City of Chandler this should be pushed to a felony (which it should be in the first place). He of all people knew better. They're trained to know not to leave children or dogs in cars and he did so anyway. He should lose his job and his freedom and an extremely large sum of money for this "lapse in judgement". Just as every idiot who has done so should. Dogs should be treated with the same regard as children and neither should be shut in a car with the windows up, maybe he should have to endure it for several hours in the hot Arizona sun to see how it feels.