Posted : 6/30/2007 8:38:26 AM
It sounds to me like the bulk of the blame has to fall on the clueless owners in this case. And I wouldn't care if the dog were a danged poodle. Ill fitting collar, known not to "like being petted by strangers" and a 12 year old child all add up to trouble brewing.
Granted, granny should have avoided the dog like the plague, but I think we have to look to her country of origin, her lack of ability to understand the language and perhaps her unfamiliarity with dogs in general before we label her "at fault".
However, saying that folks should not have to adjust to situations is much like saying that McDonalds should serve COLD coffee because some fool got burned. Well, duhhhhhh. I personally don't want cold coffee unless I specifically order it ICED and I'm gonna be PO'd if my coffee isn't hot when I get it. Now perhaps an argument could be made that they need to design a lid that goes on and stays on more easily but how foolish is it that the lid has to say that the coffee is HOT? 99% of the time, those of us who order coffee, want HOT coffee.
So, it's always someone elses fault when WE do something stupid? Maybe you shouldn't have started the props turning before I got in the plane, but I, as an intelligent human being, shouldn't be walking around a running airplane not paying a bit of attention. So the OB didn't demand that a pregnant mom stop drinking/smoking, doing drugs and the child is born damaged from said action, lets sue the DOC? My doc has been nagging for the past year for me to quit smoking....and 8-10 times in a 20 minute office visit he'll say "so you need to quit smoking", but he can't MAKE me stop until I'm darned good and ready. Can I sue him for not MAKING me stop if I develop some smoking related problem?
In this particular case, maybe not so much, (granny and the pittie to be clear), but we all need to take more personal responsibility and not push the blame off on everyone else anytime stuff goes wrong.