Lobbyist interested in helping CA

Counter the nonsense going on there now. Let's hope they get this guy onboard and get organized...permission was given to crosspost!
*Bill Hemby*
*Legislative Advocate*
* *
* *
*I have been speaking with a number of dog fanciers, working dog
breeders and such. I have been involved with Borzoi for 30 years and
before that I have shown German Shephards (who didn't?) *
* *
*My day job of course is the Director of Legislative Affairs for the
California Organization of Police and Sheriffs, COPS. I am what is
known as a Contract Lobbyist. I have been a lobbyist for about 25
years. In my time I have sponsord, written and shepherded at least 200
bills through the legislature. I have participated in at least 1000
bills dealing with crime, workers compensation, insurance, retirement,
public safety, taxes, traffic, film industry, elections, health
insurance, animals, and a host of other issues.*
* *
*I was involved in rewriting the first breed specific bill into a more
sane vicious dog law that protected breeders. I fought against several
other anti-dog bills after that. I was involved in the running of the
Responsible Dog Owners of the Golden State (RDOGS) which by the way is
still a viable non profit California Corporation. I am the only
remaining officer of that Corporation. I am in the process of
resurrecting this organization. *
* *
*My experience in the last 30 years has been with non profit
associations, I run two non-profit 501(c)3 corporations which I created
in the years 2000 and 2002. I have been closely involved in at least
three gubernatorial campaigns, and half a dozen state-wide initiatives,
the last being Jessica's Law.*
*I know how to set up and run a political action committee. I know how
to run a state wide campaign, I know how to get someone elected and how
to get someone unelected. In short, for the past 30 years I have been
steeped in politics both in California and nationally. I have close
contacts with professionals who run political campaigns, set up PAC?s,
put together grass roots political campaigns, and raise large amounts of
funding. *
* *
*Why all this background stuff? Because, I am truly convinced dog
owners, not just the fancy, need a Political Action Committee to protect
their interests. I know the only thing that will save dog owner's rights
to own, show and love their dogs is joining the political action fight.
I am convinced with the millions of dog owners in California, the
internet and with enough volunteers from outraged dog owners we can
develop one of the most powerful lobbies in this state. However I also
know if we break up into factions who have separate agendas, as has
happened in the past, we are doomed to fail. *
* *
*I am suggesting that we set up a meeting in the very near future and
invite anyone who wants to show up to discuss whether there is enough
support to move ahead with this idea. I ask that you and others on dog
lists please circulate this email and see if there is interest. *
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*Thanks for your help*
* *
*Bill Hemby*
Director of Legislative Affairs, COPSe
Alba Medical Services
Canine Division