Posted : 4/6/2007 12:49:58 AM
that is EXACTLY what i have been talking about.... in a round about sort of way. told you there were people out there that want to remove pets from the people.
i have a pamphlet i got from the dog show about more than just what they're talking about here.
one thing it said was :
Are you a Gaurdian or an Owner?
Many areas are being solicited into changing their laws and ordinances to replace or interchange the term guardian with owner.
Whats the big deal?
A dog is legally considered property, though this term may seem offensive to some, we must maintain this status for our dogs.
The United States Constitution guarantees us equal protection under the law thereby preventing illegal seizure of our private property. this means that we can protect ourselves from any capricious or false claims against us. However, once we become mere guardians of our dogs, we lose our constitutional rights of property ownership. Anyone could make any claim based on a whim or falsehood and our dogs could be immediately confiscated - since they are not considered property we would have no recourse. Some think that crating a dog is a case of cruelty; leaving a dog at home alone is a case of cruelty along with other misconceptions. Should we base the future of our family members on the whims of others that oppose the ownership of any dog? There are adequate laws to protect animals from cruelty - let us support swift apprehension and harsh punishment.
Dont be misled... Guardian is a sweet-sounding term that will lead to the loss of our dogs.
anyway .. thats not the whole pamphlet, but it worries me to no end.
as for the police inspecting our pets genitalia.... we used to have a neighbour before we moved that would do that.... i had a cat that would follow me when i walked my dogs and when she first saw this cat she asked if i planned to have him fixed. No.... Later she bugged me about the fact that my bulldog wasnt spayed, did we plan to do that? No.... not YET.
If this law is passed, you wont have to worry about vets or cops.... there's plenty of tattle tails running around looking up your dog's skirt..