I was sent the folowwing e-mail by Jean Townsend who started up the yahoo group doghealth2 after losing her chocolate lab to rimadyl. She started it to warn folks of the dangers of rimadyl, but over the past few years as taken on the other NASIDs athat are known killers, warnings of vax and trying to the the protocol changed, proheart6, dangerous treats, toys and foods, etc. And recently started including dog abuse like the below. It is truly a dog health board and there are over 1000 of us on it.
Below is the e-mail she sent me and many othes asking us to cross post and try to get something done. We must draw attention to this kind of thing and crack down HARD on people who do things like this.
. I became ill. The extent of man's cruelty to animals has reached
another low. Anyone capable of doing such a horrific act of cruelty, in my
opinon, should receive the same treatment.
I pray that appropriate action will be taken by the authorities, and the
guilty parties will pay for what they have done.
It goes without saying - please cross post.
(Always for George - Always for the Rimadyl Dogs)
It was on the news Court TV...Some of the attorneys have offered to
prosecute the bastards who did this....
please pass on this link!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
Please consider sending an email to one or all of the contacts listed after
this story. I normally wouldn't ask, but if we don't pressure the correct
people to pursue animal cruelty cases it will only continue without