Tracking books-JackieG

    • Gold Top Dog

    Tracking books-JackieG

    I've got two if anyone wants them.  One is a Dogwise book called Try Tracking (Puppy tracking primer) by Carolyn Krause and another by William Syrotuck called Scent and the Scenting Dog.  Free to good home.  :) I have no idea if they're good, bad or indifferent, as I bought them for a friend who never read them and I've never read them either.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I've got two if anyone wants them.  One is a Dogwise book called Try Tracking (Puppy tracking primer) by Carolyn Krause and another by William Syrotuck called Scent and the Scenting Dog.  Free to good home.  :) I have no idea if they're good, bad or indifferent, as I bought them for a friend who never read them and I've never read them either.


    I've got the 2d one but I'd love the "Try Tracking" -- it sounds like a beginner's book which would be welcome.  I have discovered that tracking is a really good indoor activity for IMHA dogs who are pretty house-bound.  It gives just a small amount of exercise but it's something positive to do rather than just "being worried".  My other book has wandered back and forth to several people but a more elementary book would probably be better.  (for me too -- it's just fun stuff, but it's a GREAT confidence builder)

     If you'll give me your snail mail I'll send you postage for the envelope (since my personal stash of postage is here at work anyway *smile*). 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Callie, I'll send it to you.  Don't worry about the postage.  When you finish could you send it to Karen?  I'm sending her the Syrotuck book. 

    So looks like these both have found good homes.  :)