I went to the flea market on Sunday after getting the day off. I had Sandy and she found a friend. A little 9 month old yorkie/chi mix. The lady that owned him and I started talking and I mentioned I'm a trainer. She said she was having problems house breaking him and when asked where she got him, she said from a pet store called Doggy World or something like that. BUT! He couldn't possibly be from a puppy mill! Her daughter (or what ever) brought her dog over and Benji (the pup) wasn't submissive or nothing! Cuz we all know puppy mill pups are submissive. And the store promised that all the pups were from reputable breeders. *bangs head*
She spoke to the vet at the store and he said that Benji was healthy, yada.. But 2 weeks after she bought him, the pet store was shut down due to a Parvo epidemic. They lost 30 dogs. Benji was one of the lucky ones. He wasn't affected. He was neutered at 3 months cuz he kept mounted the furniture
By the end of the conversation, I just handed her my co-worker's card and said call her.