Attention All Shetland Sheepdogs...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Attention All Shetland Sheepdogs...

     ...and other noise makers.  Massachusetts is now a safe haven where you can bark as much as you want.

    Seriously, though, barking is a *language* and it's possible to *train* dogs to be quiet, or to manage them with relatively humane tools.  De-vocalization has never really been necessary, just convenient.  If you don't like barky dogs, get a Basenji, not a Sheltie, right?  Pays to do your homework *before* you fall for the cute little fuzzball puppy. 


    • Gold Top Dog

    Basenjis don't bark...they scream! Debarking doesn't take the dog's bark away, it just changes the volume.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Basenjis don't bark...they scream! Debarking doesn't take the dog's bark away, it just changes the volume.


    Debarking doesn't just change the volume, it changes the way other dogs hear the communication, too, I should think.  I don't understand how "croaking" is any less irritating than barking.  Honestly, and JMHO, but I have actually walked away from the Sheltie ring at shows because the sound was so upsetting.  Sounds silly, but a flyball arena is less obnoxious to me than that silly sound the de-barked dogs make.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Debarking doesn't just change the volume, it changes the way other dogs hear the communication, too, I should think.  I don't understand how "croaking" is any less irritating than barking.  Honestly, and JMHO, but I have actually walked away from the Sheltie ring at shows because the sound was so upsetting.  Sounds silly, but a flyball arena is less obnoxious to me than that silly sound the de-barked dogs make.


     I have never seen debarked dogs have any issues interacting with other dogs. Dogs don't bark at each other to "talk" the way humans do ;)

     Just because you dislike something doesn't mean it should be illegal. I'm not crazy about the idea of declawing cats but I wouldn't support banning the procedure either. And I will never understand how things like debarking, declawing and cropping/docking are considered inhumane but spaying and neutering aren't. Dogs don't need any of those surgeries to be happy and healthy. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Well, Jack does use barking during play, but I think it's more out of excitement than some sort of essential communication.  On one hand, I do think that people should do their homework of the level of noise a breed tends to make.  I would never get a sheltie specifically because of the barking--I don't think I've ever let either of them bark (or play bark) for more than 5 minutes at a time.  On the other hand, if the choice is debarking or ending up homeless, i'd rather see dogs debarked.