Posted : 7/19/2008 11:27:43 PM
no they are typically vegan (apparently not the same thing as a vegetarian) and they tend to believe that anyone who eats meat (read normal diet) is sorely misguided and brainwashed.
Just to 'splain the difference and maybe clear up some misconception before it happens:
A vegetarian is someone whose diet is not meat-based. There are different types of vegetarians - ovo-lacterian vegetarians do eat eggs and milk but commonly make the distinction that "they don't eat anything with eyes". A pescatarian is a vegetarian who will also eat fish but not foul nor livestock animals.
A vegan (say "vee-gan" -- I said it wrong for years!) is a vegetarian who not only won't eat animal products, but who carries it further into their lifestyle and won't use products that are animal-based. For example, they won't eat jello or take medicine in a celo capsule because those are derived from gelatine which are ground bovine cartilage. They don't wear leather, feathers, skin or any sort.
Essentially a vegan won't "take advantage of" an animal for their own benefit (hence even tho milk is taken from a cow with no harm, a vegan won't consume anything animal-based at all).
I'm not veg*n (neither vegan nor vegetarian) but I've actually moderated a small dogsboard hosted by a vegetarian group for many years. Some of them can be passionate animal-rights people (as opposed to animal-welfare which is REAL different), and for others it's a personal or religious choice. I've made many many close friends who are both veg*n and non-veg*n from that board and it's taught me quite a lot of tolerance that I never had before.
PETA is a social/political organization that likes to consider itself "animal -rights" but which has a deeper agenda. Essentially they go so far as to say that you shouldn't keep "pets" or in any way profit from animal life. It's a pretty strange group -- and the deeper you study them the stranger they are and that's as far as I'll go on that.
Please don't equate PETA with vegetarianism. That would be like saying all dogs are badly bred chihuahuas. Badly bred chis may be dogs but they aren't the only ones around. Does that make sense??