Posted : 9/9/2010 9:33:04 AM
*sigh* So often folks really don't understand when they DEMAND that companies "prove" their products with "test results" (everyone wants products that have been 'thoroughly tested';), very often they don't realize what that means.
It's no secret that I've said I won't use Nutramax products (things like Adequan, Denosyl, Marin, Denamarin) -- the company has a sterling reputation, and the products are a really good quality (and for folks who are afraid of herbals, sometimes it's the only non-nsaid arthritis product or milk thistle/SAM-e product they use b/c it's sold by vets). Why? Simply because in order to "test" those products the company INDUCES the diseases in the test panel of dogs so they can 'test' the product. This way they can have a whole bunch of subject dogs the same age, fed, the same food, usually of the same breed --- all with the same symptoms, caused by the same thing so they can validate their testing easier.
So yeah -- they induce liver failure to test products to help the liver. They induce arthritis to test products to help arthritis. I don't like it.
espencer is simply going one further -- some of these tests are testing veterinary products. Some of them are testing human products.
These sorts of tests are CHEAPER than the wide-sampling they'd have to use in order to obtain results from more natural methods. Typically it's a horror factory result. I don't even want to watch the video. I'm already there.