Posted : 7/2/2009 8:11:44 AM
Julie, the sun was out for a minute here this morning? Did you see it, too?
I'm wearing the poodle look again today. As soon as my hair dries, looks like it'll be in a ponytail.
Did I mention that my "favorite" co-worker has been on vacation all week? So even though I'm here, it's like a mini-vacation for me, too.
My tomato plant has two tiny tomatoes on it. If we ever see sun and warmer weather again, I'm sure they'll really grow. There are more flowers on it, so hopefully more fruit soon!
I'm wearing a new shirt today - a long-sleeved tee that I got at Kohls on clearance. Was originally $18.00. I got it for $1.80! I so love clearance racks!