Bugsy the truffle dog + extras (pic heavy)

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    • Gold Top Dog

    Bugsy the truffle dog + extras (pic heavy)

     While doing the poop patrol this morning my oversized mutt came to me with a dirty nose once again - I think he's been after a mole again, but no this is what I found:

    a very small hole and this round mushroom thing slightly smaller than a tennis ball, it had been growing on the root of a pine tree

    a truffle???


    Any mushroom experts here????

    after poop and truffle patrol we picked up another batch of pecans, this is from one tree, and it is an example of one reason it is good Bugsy doesn't eat all that he finds and isn't obsessed with tennis balls

    please note the pile already under the conifers in the back from last week and the week before - sigh

    We have two pecan trees - they have had a good year Wink

    The mutt was doing this while I collected them - having already eaten a pecan stick

    you called Mom?

    and a few from yesterday when I was trying to get a good Halloween pic -


    hey what is that in my tree!



    pictures is boring

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a beautiful dog! I love the way he shines in the sun...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bugsy is just so friggin' gorgeous! 

    Eegads ! At first I was going to say that was a nut Bugsy dug up.  But after going bacl and looking at it for a 3rd time, I realized it is a mushroom.  I have no idea what kind, tho.  But, if I were you, I'd do a real careful search of your yard to make sure there are no more (or any other kind of mushrooms).  Gotta keep the BugsMan safe, ya know!  Wink


    • Gold Top Dog

     Hahahaha a friend of mine has a dog that I have nicknamed "Truffle Pig" because he snuffles and snorts around the ground all the time, but Bugsy is one up on him because Truffle Pig has never actually found one. 

    Good job, Bugs!  

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    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks for the compliments ladies - I have searched for info on the mushroom/truffle without success.  Micksmom we have many, many mushrooms that pop up and he shows no interest in them.  I have seen these round ones cresting before, and I haven't any idea what possessed him to dig it up.  What was so interesting to me is that it was such a small hole, he clearly meant to dig that and only that up.

    I will only say that is curiosity is relentless LOL

    • Gold Top Dog



    I LOVE focused dogs, & this is seriously focused look! 

    Karen, he looks spectacular!

    • Gold Top Dog

    We have these mushrooms around here too.  They are definitely not truffles.  They get to be the size of a basketball!  They are edible when young (the inside isn't supposed to be black). Also the black powdery stuff are the mushroom's spores and they will pop when the mushroom is ripe.  My mom used  the black powder to stop cuts from bleeding just like Styptic powder.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Bugsy looks great. I love how shiny his coat is.

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    • Gold Top Dog

    They are edible when young (the inside isn't supposed to be black). Also the black powdery stuff are the mushroom's spores and they will pop when the mushroom is ripe.


    Thanks, I think you are talking about a different mushroom - the inside is not powdery at all it is VERY firm.  The external rim was clearly 'mushroom' and my guess is that the black was the 'gills' you know the underside of a mushroom.  These are only underneath the long leaf pines, on the roots, and are underground.  In some places where there has been erosion you can see a bit of one, but otherwise I have only seen them when digging.

    LOL I just thought it was neat that he had dug one up, in a very tidy targetted excavation.  Especially since he only dug it up and left it next to the hole so he didn't really have any interest in it.  The wacky world of Bugsy.

    Amanda as you can imagine something hanging in HIS tree without his permission or knowledge must be thoroughly inspected and accepted.  For all his playfulness, he is a VERY intense beast. Super Angry  And it is a wonderful thing to witness

    • Gold Top Dog

    Awww Bugsy... I was away for four days of i-dog and look all the things a missed!

    I think he is GREAT. *Kiss*

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gosh, i love bugsy sooooo much!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Bugsy, you find the strangest things!  I have no idea what kind of mushroom that is, but it's pretty neat looking. 

    Bugsy is super-neat looking though, he has such a glossy coat!  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gosh he is beautiful dog.  That coat is just glemming!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Amanda as you can imagine something hanging in HIS tree without his permission or knowledge must be thoroughly inspected and accepted.  For all his playfulness, he is a VERY intense beast. Super Angry  And it is a wonderful thing to witness

    Be thankful that he didn't choose to remove what was hanging from his tree!  Any time we put something new into our yard, it has to be thoroughly inspected, relocated, & tasted. Hmm

    Bugsy's such a good guy for allowing it to stay in the tree!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I love that last one. Bugsy, you could get a job as a truffle hunter and start earning your kibble. Smile

    Here are a couple of links I found about truffles:

