Brindle Pit Bull Hair Problem?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I hate to do this, but with all this rambling on by the OP how this dog will do so good, I will introduce the good ol' thread .......if this is off topic, I am sorry!

    and here we go, I am sorry once again, but it is difficult to post wthout knowing all the details as some posters mentioned in e-mails.

    • Gold Top Dog

    thanks , cause i took him back and forth. he kept up because on the way back i mostly walked. And walked a lil on the way up. Pretty entergetic tho..when we got back he still wanted to play jumping and stuff


    You will need to regulate the exercise.  He doesn't know it's bad for him to exercise too hard/long at his age, so don't wait for him to stop and get tired to slow him down.   He may have enough stamina to run hard, but it's still bad for the joints and the growth for extended periods of time until he is about 2 years old.

    • Gold Top Dog


     I will get that done in the next, 2 weeks. The lady at critturs convinced me said it would break out the mites even more than now when dogs are in heat. And i could probly get it done at the humane society because i know when u get a dog from them they do it for free. but they urge it so much i could probly do it for next to nothing i ment to call this morning but will find out how much it costs there

    You could defiantly get his neuter and vaccines done very cheaply at the humane society.

    Let us know how he does! 

    I hope you seriously take the advice that was given to you by the members on here, and put it to good use.

    • Gold Top Dog


    just give it up you guys - this is not the first time he has been here - the thread about his gsd mix puppy, and keeping her outside. there are more, just look under his name.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think I posted a pic in one of his other threads -

    Ah, yes. It's even a Pirate-themed troll!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Moderator speaking.

    Folks...this needs to stop now. If there are threads/posts/members you feel should be reported, REPORT THEM. Members are not to call other members names, or assume they know their motivation. That is not any better or more this forum, than perceived trollish behavior.

    Use the report feature...and be aware that you yourself  are open to editing based upon what YOU post...not anything else.

    Back on topic and edits will be made from here on out as necessary.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Admin speaking...

    What Gina said.  And I'd like to point out that unless a post actually has something to CONTRIBUTE to a thread regarding the topic, said post is off-topic...and doubly frowned upon if the post is made simply to show up/call out/harass another member.  That goes for all threads anywhere on the forum, and all members.  

    Consider what you post before doing so.  


    • Gold Top Dog

    I ask because you said you'll bring the dog inside if their is a weather advisory so I hope you'll train the dog how to behave properly in the house.


    This is an excellent point.  You should also bring her in if there is to be fireworks in your area.  For this reason, you really do need to bring the dog into your house every day - even if you don't want her LIVING inside - it is part of her training.  She needs to know how to behave indoors.  For example, you need to teach her to toilet outside and to only chew specific items you give her for that purpose (not YOUR stuff - raw bones, chews etc). 

    How to be a "good" dog owner 101:

    1.  Research before acquiring a dog.  Find out what breeds or types would best suit your lifestyle. Research the breeds you like to be prepared and to be sure you can give them the home they need.

    2.  ONLY acquire from a reputable source. 

    3.  Provide for the needs of the dog.  This starts at the very basic level which is applicable to ALL dogs, food, water, exercise, shelter, veterinary care.  The next level is the needs particular to that dog's breed or type.  This is where your research comes in.  For example, if you have a collie, he needs a job.  If you have a pointer, he needs a lot of exercise.  If you have a schnauzer he has very particular needs in respect of grooming.  If you have a hound, he needs to share your sofa and you need to be cautious about letting him off lead.  And then you have the needs of YOUR dog - what does YOUR dog want from life?  How can you deal with that and cater to his needs?  Some dogs are more independant and are happy to be alone for a time.  Others are love bugs and need their humans. Now, how will you cope if this dog is simply miserable without human contact?  Will you give her away too?  Or will you change your mind about her living arranegments?  Or will you consign her to a life of misery?

    Be prepared, in reality, to answer that question.  A pit bull is a family dog.... an intensely loyal companion who ADORES his humans and simply thrives simply by being around them.  I'm sure you know that the dog has been bred for, and used for, dog fighting.  What those same people DIDN'T want, was a dog that would bite a human, even if that human reached in the middle of a fight.  So while dog aggression was encouraged, human aggression was not.  In fact, SUPER friendliness towards humans was encouraged and exaggerated.  You wouldn't go out and get a little toy dog and make him spend his hours away from his family.  You just wouldn't.  Human contact is the point of his life, it's what he lives and breathes for.  A Pittie might LOOK big and tough, but when it comes to "their people" they are mush balls.  Mountain, Mohammed.  If this dog is not going to be in your house.... you've got to be outside with her.  Do you have a TV?  You won't be needing it any longer.... or that computer either.  Wink


    • Gold Top Dog

    I go and excersize everyday. Play basketball and run a mile and back. And when im inside i sit on my ass.  Doing nothing just like you all are doing (sorry for the language but basicly...) Your dog isnt getting exersize. He or she is doing the same thing mine is doing & we're doing. LAYING/ SITTING DOWN  So bringing the dog inside is going to make him a couch potato. Sure he can spend more time with me, he can sit and watch me lay in the bed and watch tv. cause im not going to play with him inside period. Going to work on the computer, and lay in from of the AC and watch MTV When i go outside i usely stay outside for awhile. So The dog will be excersized to no end if it wants to follow me to play basket ball, and run a mile and back (some times longer).


    A dog needs more than exercise.  As a social species, a dog needs to feel he belongs, is part of a group, even more than he needs to run for miles every day.  I'm just sayin'.

    *content removed, OT*

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bringing the dog inside is not going to give him much more attention then he is going to get outside.


    It doesn't matter.  It is the dog feeling included, being near you etc - that will make an enormous difference to how happy she ultimately is.  It will also make a difference to the bond she has with you and how well she responds to training.

    Another dog I remember from living at home with my parents became very aloof from us, because, well, aside from when he was exercised, he had no contact with us!  He never just "chilled out" with us.  It ended up we couldnt let him off his lead because he didn't have any particular desire to come back to us.  We weren't the centre of his world, usually there was a host of things more interesting than we were.... we were just blobs! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    His name is Rocky i just started a job, and my parents also want a dog, since we live on acres in the country and like to leave our belongings in the yard. I have had a kid come and steal my basketball twice. And the pup has been barking at things...and cars that are loud driving past the park. I came home late one night and he barked at me untill he realized who i was


    You have not chosen a good breed for guarding.  And if this dog DOES "guard" against some kids.... woah, you'll have a weight on your conscience.  Go on, google "Pit bull, child".  It will make ever such "entertaining" reading.  I sure hope you think a kids face is worth your basketball....

    • Gold Top Dog

    It is the dog feeling included, being near you etc - that will make an enormous difference to how happy she ultimately is. 

    very true! i think a lot of times the "being near you" is very much under estimated! when i am on the computer, i am not paying attention to my dogs. but they are either sleeping on the sofa where i am sitting with a head in my lap or a bum against my leg, or they are sleeping on my feet or they are sleeping huddled together on the dog bed. my point: they arent isolated. even though they are napping, they are with me or with each other! it is in their nature!

    i know i wont change your mind and frankly i dont care. but i do want you to realize that a dog is more than just something cute you need to excercise every day. dogs do have feelings. not human feelings, but feelings nontheless. there is more to it than just "providing" in the traditional sense...

    there is a reason many places have outlawed tie-outs for dogs...

    • Puppy

    yo i hate that u say that about any animal it does not matter as long as u make there life better.i dont care if it has hair promblems my dog does cause i found her.but that does not stop the fun we have.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm pretty sure that's not what Liesje meant. I think she meant she wouldn't pay a "breeder" for a sick dog, or pay/purchase/buy a dog with health problems.

    I think it's great that you found your dog and gave it a good home, but, you didn't buy it with a pre existing skin problem from someone who claimed to be a "breeder".

    • Puppy

    i do understand wat she is saying but i still dont care i mean dogs even if they have skin problems i still would buy it.well i dont need to my bros friend breeds dogs with good skin and there very healthy and there pitt bulls