Posted : 6/13/2008 1:53:27 PM
I am so thankful for the Supreme Court's decision I could cry.
I agree with everything 4IC has said.
Are there "bad guys" at Gitmo? I don't doubt it. But there is no evidence - none - that MANY MANY detainees at Guantanamo Bay did anything against the United States. They were labeled enemy combatants, but there was no formal process for identifying who was a part of what. All you had to do was be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I am so ashamed of some of the things the Bush administration has done. I don't blame the military. I blame an administration who has bent laws and ignored others to pursue a policy of illegal detention, torture, and violence. I want America to be better than that. I want America to be what we all say it is, and what it can be.
History will look back at Bush and this detention/rendition garbage with condemnation.