Posted : 1/2/2007 8:49:09 PM
What causes aggression?
If we follow the wolf of thinking, dogs should exhibit stranger aggression. That aggression serves to protect the pack and preserve the territory. Since dogs have been living with humans and humans are very social creatures, we have tried to minimize those aggressive behaviors and have been very successful at it.
This is not to say that we don't want our dogs to bark at strangers, or "protect" our property, but we don't want our dogs to attack everything that is strange to them. It is hard to change instinctual behavior, however early socialization and exposure to changine circumstances and events is crucial to limiting aggressive behaviours in our dogs.
So in my opinion, yes there are certain genetic qualities that can lead to aggressive behaviours but a determining factor leading to aggression (both dog aggression and human aggression) is lack of early socialization or too little socialization with too little exposure to differing stimuli.