bump on tail

    • Gold Top Dog

    bump on tail

    I noticed this bump on Zoe's tail yesterday.  I don't think it was there the day before, so it is new.  It does not hurt or bother her and she doesn't care if I push on it or anything.  It seems solid, not squishy.  Any ideas what this could be?


    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like a healed break or possibly a spot she smacked on the doorway and it swelled up? If it's solid then I'd vote for healed over break, but....how often do you check her tail? Did it pop up in a day or is it possible it's been there a while? She hasn't been stepped on or didn't quite make it thru a doorway as the door closed or anything? Might not've even yelped if it was just a small break. Is she normally mouthy about pain? or is she a stoic type?
    A Xray would show if it were a healed or fresh break...but I might just watch it a day or so?
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: rwbeagles

    Looks like a healed break or possibly a spot she smacked on the doorway and it swelled up? If it's solid then I'd vote for healed over break, but....how often do you check her tail? Did it pop up in a day or is it possible it's been there a while? She hasn't been stepped on or didn't quite make it thru a doorway as the door closed or anything? Might not've even yelped if it was just a small break. Is she normally mouthy about pain? or is she a stoic type?
    A Xray would show if it were a healed or fresh break...but I might just watch it a day or so?

    It is definitely new... maybe not new yesterday, but I often play with her tail and never noticed it before and I remember looking at the funny hook she was making with it the other day and I didn't notice the bump.  If it was a break, wouldn't it hurt when I touched it now.  If someone were to accidentally step on her she would yelp so if it hurt when I touched it, I think she'd yelp too.
    Would a tumor appear there or that fast?  Should I be concerned?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I concur w/ Gina it happened to Trixie, There is alot of hair on her tail so I couldn't see it. I don't know how because Trixie is debarked, I only knew because my happy happy waggy girl wasn't wagging, if it had been Brando, I may have never noticed it. I think it has been hurting really bad, or was at one time. Her's was a bad sprain. You do need to take her to the vet though
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hmm..I really don't know. I guess the conservative thing to do would be to take her in and have it either Xray'ed or aspirated...or both? Does she chase her tail ever? Maybe she caught it with her own teeth...
    If she's normally yippy or lets you know if something even remotely hurts...well it lessens the chance of it being a "traumatic event" and more likely a bug bite or growth or something?
    Total speculation...but them's my thoughts lol!
    Edit: correct my horrendous spelling!
    • Gold Top Dog
    She is acting normally with no pain or anything, doesn't normally chase her tail or anything.  I was planning on waiting a few days to see if it goes down (figuring bug bite).  If not, I will call the vet. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah, Trixie was in obvious pain, she can't yip but like I said she speaks w/ her tail, I would cry if she couldn't wag it. But she couldn't pick it up, the vet just touched it, and felt it wasn't broken,  sent her home with pain meds and a watch and see for 3-5 days and then it was back to waggin away.
    Gina it's not conservative, it's neurotic you are just being kind, lol 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have an appt. set for Monday because it is the soonest that is available that I can go to.  Do you think I should try benedryl a bit between then and now to see if that helps so I can rule that out when I do see him?  Also, is there any harm in giving Zoe benedryl?  I thought it could do double duty by making her calm for this evening's trick or treaters :).  I give 1/2 pill right?  She is 10 lbs.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Stacy, one of my dogs developed a folicular cyst on his tail a few months ago.  It seemingly appeared overnight, it felt pretty solid to me, and it didn't cause him any pain or discomfort.  The Vet was able to diagnose it with a needle aspiration.  So, that's a possibility.  Good luck at your Vet appointment. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    This might seem a little far out, but I slammed my hand in the car door on accident, and I got a big, hard ball and it turns out it's calcium build up, which goes away, but it takes a while.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, the soonest I can make it to the vet when they are available is Monday afternoon.  Possibly Fri. if the bf gets home in time, but most likely Monday.  I will bring all these suggestions with me.
    I did benedryl last night and today to see if it helped so we can rule a bug bite needing benedryl out so I don't have to go to the vet more than necessary and wait longer to have whatever it is taken care of.
    If you have other ideas of what it could be, feel free to share!