Dog Friendly Rental Sought in Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Hi there, 
if you have a pet, particularly if you're a dog caretaker, you know how hard it can be to find proper housing that also allows you to stay/live with your pet!
I'm in this situation now once again, having just recently moved to Santa Cruz, California, for work (Postal Service).
I had to settle for a less than ideal living situation because of time constraints, but I'm still looking for the ideal long term rental solution, that would also be ideal for my 10 year old well-behaved Doberman, Hunter.
Ideally I'd like a one-bedroom, studio or cottage situation, for I prefer to live alone, but other options are also considered. If you have something available or if you know of something/someone that you think could work, please let me know/share this post with the person so hopefully my dog and I can find a happy home together!
(I can move as early as January, 2015)
You can get in touch with me at
Thanks very much, appreciate you reading!