Posted : 8/25/2014 12:19:17 PM
The weekend was free of any tummy trouble evidence for Ruby. We think it may have been the dried sweet potato treats we were giving her. They come from a reputable vendor our local pet supply shop uses (i.e., not China). But, they may be too fiber-rich for her to have more than one per day, and we were giving her 2 or 3. They're the size of potato chips, but maybe that's too much. Anyway, she was back to her usual, zooming self all weekend.
From yesterday -- Karen, I'm glad you were able to get some "me" time and one-on-one time with both your boys. Now everyone is happy, right?!
I know what you mean about how it feels to make even small donations to charities or groups doing work you value. One time a woman I know was going on about how she refuses to shop at Walmart because of the unfair way they treat their workers, etc. I realize that Walmart (like many other huge corporations) care more about shareholders than the welfare of their employees, but one way I justify shopping there is because the major savings I get there allows me to have more disposable income to give to our animal shelter. Having that room in my budget is important to me.
It's the last week of quiet roads on the way to work in the mornings. Next week it's back to the throngs of school buses and parents driving kids to school. It adds 10+ minutes to my commute. Summer flew by!