Posted : 8/19/2014 3:33:42 PM
Glenda, I hope Todd's boss's wife's passing is as peaceful as possible. Wishing strength for him and their extended family. What a tough decision to have to make as a family.
Advanced directives are important. We've been in the process of updating our wills and those related documents. It's not a pleasant process overall, but having them done will make me feel better.
On a lighter note, the concert sounds fun -- I saw the Beach Boys many moons ago . . . I think in the mid 1980's. Before the show started, the crowd was tossing beach balls.
Doug, I'm sure Sky will be a pro at the classes. Jackie, I hope Belle feels well enough for class tonight. Digestive issues sure can be puzzling if you don't know of anything the dog ate that could cause upset.
Sleep IS restorative. I have a theory about why some people seem to age so much better than others: they are really well rested. My sister has done many things "wrong" related to aging well (she smokes, has worshipped the sun and tanning beds all her life, etc.). Yet, she looks great at age 45. I think it's because she's never had a job where she has to get up early in the morning. Her career allows for very flexible hours, so she gets plenty of sleep. I've had an alarm go off at 5am - 6am all my adult life, and no matter what the experts say, I do not go to bed at 9pm. So, I'm chronically sleep deprived!
Oh, Doug asked about DH having sleep apnea. I keep telling him he needs to have a sleep test, but getting him to do that will be tough. I'll keep nagging him because I think it's important (for his sake, not just mine!).