Posted : 8/13/2014 12:11:02 PM
Very cool night for us (over a 30 degree drop in temps), so sleeping was very comfortable. However, with houseguests here, we got to bed much too late, so I feel like a zombie right now.
Julie, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's dog. Run free, Miss Sadie.
We just found out that DH's niece's dog had to be euthanized rather unexpectedly. He suddenly became very lethargic, not eating. They suspected he ingested something toxic, but found nothing in blood tests, etc. Long story short, he had severe pneumonia, and despite 2 or 3 days of "ICU" care at the vet's, they determined he wouldn't recover and put him down. They're heartbroken, and baffled -- Ollie was only 6 and in perfect health. Their Jack Russel has chronic health problems, so it was her they expected to lose young. I don't know how pneumonia becomes so life-threatening without some early symptoms. He must've aspirated on something, but didn't present any coughing, I guess.
Glad the nose work class went better last night, Jackie.
Today is our monthly committee meeting at my favorite pasta place for lunch. It's the highlight of my week!!