Posted : 5/5/2014 1:19:37 PM
I didn't see a Monday chat, either, Julie -- just a couple posts tagged on to the end of Doug's Sunday chat.
Okay, I need more information about what a body farm is. And why does one need extra shoes and wipes for the dogs? I'm imagining you guys trudging through something that looks like rows of cornstalks, but instead they're bodies/corpses. I know that's not what it is is, but all the zombie stuff that floods entertainment media these days put that image in my head!!
I love your friend's comment about the heat. We had that freakish day last week of 90 degrees, and I wasted no time complaining about it. DH gets so annoyed because I generally spend lots of time whining about the rain and grey skies this time of year, so he doesn't get why I was complaining. What can I say? When it comes to weather, I'm easy to please: sunny skies, temps about 75. I'm not asking for much! 
I have a TON to do at work today, but I slept like crap, so I feel sluggish and somewhat queasy. The rain hitting the windows is also making me want to take a nap. Just one of those times I wish I drank coffee.
I saw the news coverage of the fires in OK and thought of GingerP. I don't know what part of the state she lives in, but hopefully nowhere near that area.
From Kate's earlier post -- I love the idea of the scent box to help the dogs "meet" indirectly. Can't wait to hear more when RonnieO arrives!