Posted : 2/24/2014 1:53:20 PM
Tina, I bet you'll see her improve a great deal in no time -- with good food, lots of TLC, attention, exercise, and other stimulation -- she'll show even more spunk in the coming weeks. I just don't understand how people turn their backs on a pet they've had for so long unless it's 110% impossible to keep them. When we moved across country with Tonka, it was very difficult and it wasn't the nicest place, but we found a rental property that accepted him. But you're right -- I've heard/seen some pretty heartless stuff over the years of my involvement at our shelter, too.
Speaking of our shelter, I mentioned that yesterday was a reception for key donors (those who've donated for a certain number of years, a certain financial level, etc.). It's generally the same group of folks every year, including some senior folks who are just the best. One woman is a hoot -- she's probably in her 80's, but seems much younger. She wore a sweater with a pattern of American flags and Olympic rings all over it, along with leopard print sneakers. Another couple are huge cat lovers. The man is in his early 90's but he gets around fine with a cane and is as sharp as a tack. He announced yesterday that he hopes they'll always hold the annual auction/costume party in October because it's a great event and he loves going to it! He's an inspiration, that's for sure.