Posted : 1/4/2014 1:58:39 PM
Our favorite governor has closed all state schools on Monday. Strange as it seems, there are adults who let their kids go to school without hats, gloves, boots, or winter coats. The kid says" No, I don't want to" and the parent caves. In MN, of all places, where you either dress for the weather or freeze to death. One year, we had an adult jogger who frost bit his body--his body, the whole thing- because he apparently didn't understand the concept of wind chill. He does now.
We are going to hit the grocery store, then den up for a few days.. I have the clothing to work in this weather, in an emergency. But the only emergency I can think of that would get me to work involves flames anyway, and my hands are still stiff and sore from the last day I worked outside.
News on TV told us how to determine if it was too cold outside for dogs. Hold your bare hand on the ground for five minutes. Apparently, if your hand doesn't freeze to the ground, you can stand up, and if your hand still works, it is warm enough for a dog. Ya, sure. You betcha!!!