Posted : 10/15/2013 2:16:49 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Riley and her family are facing this upsetting news. I'm sure they're completely overwhelmed . . . it will definitely take some time to adjust. What a shock.
The good thing is that Type 1 Diabetes is manageable, and they've come so far in the treatments and support for people who have it now. I had a grade school classmate who had it in the 1970's, as well as my college boyfriend in the late 1980's. Things like checking their blood were more difficult back then compared to the tools and such they have now. My friend's teenage daughter was diagnosed with it a couple years ago, and after an adjustment period, she's doing very well, along with the rest of the family.
Please tell Lisa that I'll be keeping all of them in my thoughts and that I'm sending a big batch of strong vibes to all of them. I'm glad they have such a big, supportive extended family to help them.