Posted : 10/9/2013 11:44:09 AM
Glenda, would you please send some of the awesome New England autumn weather out this way? I'd greatly appreciate it!
Ginger, glad to hear your Mom came through her surgery so well and that she's going to be home very soon. I'm also glad that your boys survived your absence . . . it's nice to know you were missed, right?!
Callie, Tink's reaction to the plastic baggie reminds me of a funny story from my childhood. I was playing at our neighbor's house one day, and my Mom came in to collect me. It was a rainy day, and she was wearing one of those plastic rain bonnets (this was the early 1970's), and when she came in the house, she shook it out, making the crinkly plastic noise. Our neighbors had guinea pigs, and their cage was near where my Mom did this. Well, they started making all kinds of squeaks and dancing in their cage . . . our neighbor said, "Oh, they think I'm getting the lettuce out to feed them. It's wrapped in plastic that makes the same noise when I unwrap it!' We kids thought that was hilarious.
I woke up with a dull headache and feel rather blah. I've been exposed to people with headcolds recently, so I sure hope I'm not headed down that path. I've got a busy week and weekend ahead, so I don't have time to be sick!