Posted : 9/19/2013 9:41:47 AM
Julie - I'm so sorry about the testing last night. (((Hugs))) for you and Abbie. Here's the link for the SAR's blog
Shane slept really well last night, so that meant that I did also. I'm not sure if the tramadol knocked him out or just made him more comfortable but I was happy to see him rest. Having had canker sores now and then, I have great empathy for how crummy he must feel. The vet said the antibiotics should start helping in about 3 days.
Our weather is amazing right now. We warm up to about 80 in the afternoon but the mornings and evening are super cool. I think we're supposed to get some rain this weekend.
Jackie - I hope your plans work out for the weekend.
Tina - I hope the appointment tomorrow goes well.