Posted : 8/14/2013 8:16:25 PM
I think you are on the right track, starting on neutral ground. I also think, if in general they get along, often (not always) once they learn the dog is now a part of their pack - by sleeping in the same house - they calm down around one another. So think positive!
Bichons are easy, so I'm not the best person for this sort of thing. When I've introduced 2 dogs, I also start out in the fenced in back yard. First I let the newbie sniff around - s/he picks up on the fact there are other dogs here. Then I bring one of the others out of the house and observe. In the early days I'd have a water squirt bottle handy, but now I don't bother, bichons just don't have any sort of prey drive to bother.
If it's a nice day, have a water bowl out too so they can get a drink without one having to ask go in the house for that.
Then, let the newbie in the house to poke around while the already lives there one stays outside. So the newbie gets the layout, finds the water bowl, etc. Back outside for a bit, then go in and take both in with you.
I'd be interested to hear what others say as Dino barks at big dogs; they may suggest keeping one on leash, for more control? Usually the dog on leash feels more confined, more protective. But if Dino is going to run about barking his fool head off with you trying to get his collar to get him to hush and focus on a treat . . . I dunno. Not had to deal with that.
When we are out walking in the field at the farm mine will bark at certain dogs, I just keep walking and call them with me. EVENTUALLY they break off and come for their treat. I'm probably not handling that right lol.