Posted : 5/7/2013 12:34:04 PM
Sharon, good luck on the interview!
Yay for Rupert's shiny toofers! And I hope the liver values are just a fluke. Way to go on the skateboard, Janice! If I tried anything like that, I'd embarass AND hurt myself!
I couldn't believe that story of the 3 kidnapped womened. How the heck does someone keep 3 people (and apparently a child or two was born since, right?) and NO ONE in the neighborhood saw anything amiss? No weird sounds coming from the home or strange behaviors? We have a couple houses in our subdivision that seem totally sealed up, blinds drawn, etc., and I often wonder what goes in them. I was shocked to find out from a neighbor that one of the houses had 2 young kids in it -- I had NEVER seen one outside even for a second before the family eventually moved. I don't know if those kids ever saw daylight!
Ruby woke us up at 3AM with the "pre-puking" noise. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a towel to put under her (after pushing her off the bed, I admit!). She gagged 4 or 5 times, but nothing ever came out . . . . or so we thought. This morning when there was plenty of bright light in the room, I found a dried spot of yellowish stuff and a small piece of plastic of some sort. She seemed fine this morning, gobbling her breakfast. She sometimes scarfs up things on walks before we catch her doing it. Hopefully the Nature's Miracle got most of the stain out -- it's our new carpet!
Another sunny day in the 70's here!