Taco Tuesday Chat

    • Gold Top Dog

    Taco Tuesday Chat

    And that's exactly what I'm having for dinner tonight!  I just need to get through work, an interview and asking my coworker a billion questions before she leaves us for good on Friday.  Oh yeah, and I have payroll and billing to do today too.  Nope, not busy at all Indifferent

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't suppose it's Friday yet?

    Our resident PITA was her usual negative self at the meeting yesterday and if she doesn't cut it out, I'm gonna have to stick a sock in her mouth.  I finally said, but not to her specifically, but rather the group at large, that the paper is what it is and if anyone doesn't like the direction it's going then they need to find the door.  I truly hate those meetings.  They should be a positive, get ready for the week kind of thing, but she makes certain that they are not.  I'm very glad that the boss was there for her entire performance.

    Today is beautiful again.  Supposed to get close to 80 today and then tomorrow we'll get much cooler and lots of rain.  We do need the rain and after the stretch of gorgeous weather we've had, no one has much room to complain.

    Sharon, I've got my fingers crossed for you re: the interview.  If you've gotten this far, you'll be fine today.  Clearly they are very interested in you!

    OK, off to start the rebeautification project (getting ready for work)!  Have a great day everyone!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Another gorgeous day here! Karen I hope your weather gets better today!

    Sharon good luck with the interview!

    Lily got a hose bath last night and I could actually see that she has slimmed down since our last vet visit. It is hard to tell with all her fur. It must be all the chasing after 4 wheelers and Mtn bikes I have had her doing lately. she has always been somewhat of a chunker. She has my metabolism I think :p

    I'm working from home today and need to figure out what my priorities are for the day. I usually have this planned the day before but yesterday was full of back to back meetings, I never got the chance. I will be sitting out on my deck working for most of the day though :)
    • Gold Top Dog

    Good luck today, Sharon!

    I've got to leave soon to take Rupert in for his dental. I have such a hard time leaving my poor sensitive boy. I know he'll be fine and everyone there loves him, but it's still tough.

    I skateboarded last night for the first time in over 10 years. I was a bit rusty but didn't do too bad for a 34-year-old mother of two. haha. It was in a miniramp in a friend's barn. We were there until after midnight and I am soooo sleepy this morning.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     Good luck Sharon and Jano I have the same trepidation about leaving B. Good thoughts for Rupie!

    Thanks Julie we actually had a little sun breakthrough after serious storms yesterday afternoon. This morning was a bit brighter with a few patches of blue Smile We are due more showers and if the current sky is a good indication I will say they will arrive before lunch not after as the weatherperson predicted.

    Today is 6 weeks for B's surgery. He did the 2.8 mile walk today and he crashes afterward but all in all I think he's doing well

    OK I need to get back to work, later folks

    • Gold Top Dog
    Good luck Sharon and Ruppie!!

    Urghhh, DH's parents are coming into town on Saturday for Riley's party and he is driving me batty. All of a sudden we need new towels for their bathroom, we need to clean out the garage, etc. I don't mind the coming for the night at all, but he frets so much about every little thing it makes me crazy.

    I have a TON of work today and don't feel like doing any of it. SIGH
    • Gold Top Dog
    Good luck Sharon!!!

    How about those 3 women who'd been held captive for 10+ yrs being found safe? I am so dang happy for them!!!!!!!

    I went to Macy's yesterday and got some new make-up and a couple of cute tops. I don't enjoy shopping as much as I used to but I had fun yesterday.

    Gloomy, cool day again. The change is kind of nice but I'm missing the sun.

    Karen - I'm so glad Bugsy is doing so well and I know you must be too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Good luck, Sharon.  Jan, I always worry when any of the dogs have to have a dental.  I'm never happy till they're home again.  Good vibes for Rupert.

    Busy work day ahead.  I'm feeling pretty grouchy for no specific reason. 

    The Spurs beat Golden State in double overtime.  DH is very sleepy and very happy today. lol 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ugh... if my one job didn't want me to leave, they would have me paid accurately. The person who sends out my money didn't pay me for one client. I have no clue why. She never sent me any emails that I messed up the time sheet, and they all were faxed at the same time. Sometimes she'll claim she's emailed multiple times about something, but both my friend and I only ever get emails from her when she sends them out to the whole group. We never get individual emails from her.

    Alright, I've got other paperwork to do before I get out the door. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the good vibes! I got a call that everything went routinely with Rupert. Except the bloodwork showed elevated liver values (200) so they want to retest that in a few weeks.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Glad it went well for Rupert. When Luke had his done, they called me when it was over and said I could have him in 3 hours, I went over so that I would have him back at the exact moment 3 hours had passed.


    Ugh... now I just got emailed and asked if I was assigned a student I was assigned. Umm... yes, you did give me that student. 

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the good vibes! I got a call that everything went routinely with Rupert. Except the bloodwork showed elevated liver values (200) so they want to retest that in a few weeks.

      I wonder why.  He hasn't been on prednisone for anything, has he?  I hope all turns out ok.

    Gracie goes for another chiro appt on Friday.  Good thing, because she split/chipped one of her nails on Sunday night.  Plus she turns 10 years old on Sunday and I need to get some new bloodwork on her.  Her chiro vet loves her and it might be time to change vets altogether. :D

    Hope everyone is good.  Good luck on your interview Sharon.  I've just been given a referral to a job locally so I am hoping to get a phone interview in today/tomorrow and potentially a "real" interview on Tuesday.  Man, do I hate interviews!  Especially being so overweight right now that I will need to make sure I have interview clothes that fit!! Oh well.

    Spent the weekend laying track for my club's TDX test.  Got a good sunburn on my neck/collarbone area.  The dog failed to follow my track into the woods, unfortunately.  I have now made a request that I not be on that field anymore. lol

    Anyway, back to the grind!!  Have a great day all!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sharon, good luck on the interview!

    Yay for Rupert's shiny toofers!  And I hope the liver values are just a fluke.  Way to go on the skateboard, Janice!  If I tried anything like that, I'd embarass AND hurt myself!

    I couldn't believe that story of the 3 kidnapped womened.  How the heck does someone keep 3 people (and apparently a child or two was born since, right?) and NO ONE in the neighborhood saw anything amiss?  No weird sounds coming from the home or strange behaviors?  We have a couple houses in our subdivision that seem totally sealed up, blinds drawn, etc., and I often wonder what goes in them.  I was shocked to find out from a neighbor that one of the houses had 2 young kids in it -- I had NEVER seen one outside even for a second before the family eventually moved.  I don't know if those kids ever saw daylight!  

    Ruby woke us up at 3AM with the "pre-puking" noise.  I jumped out of bed and grabbed a towel to put under her (after pushing her off the bed, I admit!).  She gagged 4 or 5 times, but nothing ever came out . . . . or so we thought.  This morning when there was plenty of bright light in the room, I found a dried spot of yellowish stuff and a small piece of plastic of some sort.  She seemed fine this morning, gobbling her breakfast.  She sometimes scarfs up things on walks before we catch her doing it.  Hopefully the Nature's Miracle got most of the stain out -- it's our new carpet!

    Another sunny day in the 70's here!

    • Gold Top Dog
    The story that will come out of those women will be really interesting. Remember Jaycee Dugard? They even did welfare checks on that house and didn't find her or her daughters :(.

    I'd been trying out different brands of daily contacts lately and the whole premise was how comfortable they'd be compared to the 2 week kind I was using. Well, the first 3 I tried were horrible and made my eyes burn like crazy by the end of the day. I also had poorer vision with a couple than I had with my previous contacts. I was feeling pretty disheartened when I picked up 2 more brands to try last Friday but thanks to a super helpful young lady, I found one I LOVE! The dr. hadn't suggested them but she thought they might do the trick, so I'm feeling very thankful right now and just ordered a year's worth :).

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ruby woke us up at 3AM with the "pre-puking" noise.  I jumped out of bed and grabbed a towel to put under her (after pushing her off the bed, I admit!).  She gagged 4 or 5 times, but nothing ever came out . . . . or so we thought.

    I've never had a dog or a cat that has enough courtesy to puke on the linoleum or tile, or even anything I've placed under them. Dogs always turn away and the cats will just run, often throwing up as they are running away, which creates a bigger mess.

    Busy today. Pollen is causing severe eye itching. I would literally like to scratch my eyes out. Crying