Posted : 4/15/2013 4:15:53 PM
great pictures Lisa -
I saw the title and had to post -- we got a grandaddy of a storm yesterday -- just a TON of rain (some thunder, etc.). My Charlie is the one who was found in the flooded house after Hurricane Irene?
This dog HATES raine - it has nothing to do with not liking being wet, etc. -- it has to do with pure fear that it's going to rain so hard that it fills his world up with water and tries to float it away.
Puir wee mite was NOT a happy boy last night. As far as he's concerned -- if you want May flowers PLEASE just go to a florist!! No rain ok???? Poor guy, he got used to it last year (it's Florida -- we get LOTS of rain here) ... but we haven't had much rain in months -- says he's NOT used to it any more!! sheesh!