First Day of School- NDR

    • Gold Top Dog

    First Day of School- NDR

    Today was my sons very first day of Kindergarten! It was nerve wracking for me, but I am proud I did not cry my face off lol. At first Nev was a little nervous and asked me if I was staying with him, but immediately forgot I existed when he saw all the dinosaurs set up lol. I asked him after work how it went and he said he had alot of fun, played with dinosaurs, sang and in his words "I even shared a t-rex with a boy!" Which is HUGE for Nev! I am so proud of him Big Smile And this is the two pictures I took when we got to the school:


    And jumping for joy lol:



    I'll be honest it still has not fully hit me that my little boy is in school, when it does, I think I may cry lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a handsome, happy little fellow!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Aww...he looks so happy!  You'll be okay, Vanessa.  Enjoy the early years; my DS loved them - esp. kindergarten.  There is nothing quite like the innocence and joy of being 5 years old.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Enjoy these days  . . . time goes by so quickly.


    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Awww, yay!  Definitely enjoy the happy.  Hannah loved kindergarten, she wasn't quite as thrilled about 1st grade, lol.  And good for him for sharing!  That's awesome :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Awww, what a nice looking happy boy!  I'm so glad that he enjoyed his first day.  :) 

    • Gold Top Dog

     He's adorable!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks Everyone Smile Today was his first full day, he did great and had fun. He also brought home his first artwork. It was his handprint on puzzle pieces with a really pretty poem. I almost lost my composure lol. Its really neat seeing him do things I remember fondly when I was little :)
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