Sad Day in the Horse World

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sad Day in the Horse World

     I got emailed yesterday that Debby Malloy Winkler was taken off life support and passed away. It seems, and I don't know many details at all, that she had a riding accident last Friday.

    Debby was the oldest daughter of Henry and Vivien Malloy, and was an accomplished Grand Prix rider. She spent most of her adult life not in the US. She was living in Warendorf W Germany with her husband Hans Gunter Winkler at the time of her death. They had no children Debby is the older sister of Vivi Malloy who was featured in the book "A Very Young Rider". I worked for Vivi her last junior year, and stayed on for a while after. Debby during that time returned to the US, and I had the fabulous opportunity to work for her, and become her friend. She was an AMAZING person. We lost touch more or less over the years, it always happens but Debby every year sent me a Christmas card, often not until July. Made them special.

    I am just sick about this. She is one year older than I am, way too young to die. Her father passed away just about 6 months ago. I am feeling so bad for Mrs Malloy, you are not supposed to outlive your children. 

    My thoughts and prayers are with the Malloy and Winkler families. 

    RIP Debby..... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maxs Mom

    I am just sick about this. She is one year older than I am, way too young to die. Her father passed away just about 6 months ago. I am feeling so bad for Mrs Malloy, you are not supposed to outlive your children. 

    I never really grasped this when I was younger and my grandma said it about my mom passing away at 44. I truly understand it now though and I'm sorry someone as young Debby has passed on. I hope her family can find comfort in the amazing memories they surely have of her.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh dear what a shame.

    You know -- something about THIS moon last weekend -- I have seen more crazy stuff happening, more people have passed away or gotten sick, more bad accidents. 

    What a terrible shame. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think that is a February thing too... It seems I can not get through a Feb without hearing of someone I "know" dying. Actually today is the anniversary of my fathers death 24 years ago.

    I have her mom's address in NY, but wish I knew how to get a hold of her sister Vivi. I know she is married and living in the Chicago area. That is all. I would like to extend my condolences to her too. 

    • Bronze

    How very sad indeed.  Horses can be and are unpredictable sometimes, no matter the amount of training in them.  I've known of too many accomplished riders having accidents over the years.  Not always happy results.  It's easy, when you are riding horses every day, to forget the risk.  But snow slidding off a riding arena, another rider losing control and there being a loose horse, equipment failure.  Stuff happens.  My sympathy to all the families.  The loss of one with so much life ahead of her is just heartbreaking. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    As a young rider, I had no idea why my parents were so obsessed with safety.  But, as an adult, I well comprehend the vagaries of life and how quickly things can happen.   This is another of those events for which we have no explanation, just sadness.  I'm sorry for your loss and for her family. 


    • Bronze

    @Maxs Mom

    I got emailed yesterday that Debby Malloy Winkler was taken off life support and passed away. It seems, and I don't know many details at all, that she had a riding accident last Friday. Debby was the oldest daughter of Henry and Vivien Malloy, and was an accomplished Grand Prix rider. She spent most of her adult life not in the US. She was living in Warendorf W Germany with her husband Hans Gunter Winkler at the time of her death. They had no children Debby is the older sister of Vivi Malloy who was featured in the book "A Very Young Rider". I worked for Vivi her last junior year, and stayed on for a while after. Debby during that time returned to the US, and I had the fabulous opportunity to work for her, and become her friend. She was an AMAZING person. We lost touch more or less over the years, it always happens but Debby every year sent me a Christmas card, often not until July. Made them special. I am just sick about this. She is one year older than I am, way too young to die. Her father passed away just about 6 months ago. I am feeling so bad for Mrs Malloy, you are not supposed to outlive your children. My thoughts and prayers are with the Malloy and Winkler families. RIP Debby.....

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    • Puppy

    Grieving is a personal process, and I hope you find comfort in the memories and moments you shared with Debby.