A year or two ago I noticed on my chest this red mark and it sort of looked like a mole and the mole it self was reddish, well after a few days around the mole it was red and looked bruised. Seen my doctor who has now left well he thought it looked like a bug bite and said if it didn't go away come back. Well it did go away but turned into a mole a white one. Then a few months later it turned reddish purplish again so with it turning red and then white I went to see my doctor with out an appointment because he had told me just come in and he'll take it off and send it out.
Well I tried to see him each time it turned red but his nurse wouldn't allow me and once even told me it wasn't a life or death matter and that I'll live also she said it looks as though the veins are getting tangled and that's why its turning red. I told her she wasn't my doctor and how would she know if its not life or death anyway I never got to see him.
Like I said every few months it goes from being white and where you can hardly see it to reddish purplish mole and then gets sort of a bruise around it.
Anyone ever have this sort of problem??? I see my new doctor on the 29th this time around it kind of hurts it's on my chest here is a picture.
(Yea I'm very fair skinned) See the mole in the middle and the ring around it. It was brighter but it's starting to go away again. Once it goes away there isn't a ring around it and the mole turns white.
My family members say I'm weird starting to feel that way I took a picture of it because it usually goes away by time I need a doctor to see it.